Come back often and see what I will concoct next.. I like to create new things. I promise not to post anything until I try it first. I like to use fresh ingredients when available so most of this is cooking from scratch. I am of Italian Heritage so there will be a lot of Italian Foods but there are no boundaries when it comes to creating a meal for people you love.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pastina Soup

This may be the easiest Soup ever and there is so much that you can do with it.
1/2 Lb Pastina (Ancini di Pepe) pasta. Usually sold in a 1 LB box or bag, use about half Pkg
1 1/2 Qts Water (no need to salt the water the soup base will make up for it.
3 to 4 tsps Chicken Soup Base. (boullon cubes will work) You can use any flavor soup base you like.
Grated Parmesan

In a medium saucepan bring water to boil.
Add Soup base Gradually tasting as it dissolves. It's up to you how you want it to taste. If you like it with 3 tsps. fine, if not add another.
Stir in Pastina,  Let cook for about ten minutes till pastina is tender and you will see it swollen in size.

Now comes the time you can customize this soup to your own taste.
I like to poach a few eggs in the soup at this point and serve it with one poached egg per bowl.
Other suggestions for add ons... Small meatballs, pieces of cooked Italian Sausage, Fresh spinach or escarole, I have even crumbled a TBSP of ricotta in each bowl before I put in the soup.
Have fun with it and don't be afraid to experiment.
Eat as much of this soup up as possible as it will have a tendency to absorb all the broth but you can reserve the left over pastina and add it to other dishes or even to a cup of cooked broth for a new cup of pastina soup

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't live without GFS's chicken (and beef) base. With chopped greens in this soup along with grated parm - you've got a delicious stracciatella soup. Served with a hunk of garlic bread, you have a QUICK, effortless meal that canNOT be beat!!!
